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Gerry’s Unmatched Journey to Acclaim

Gerry’s stands as a beacon of unwavering brilliance, soaring to new heights in reputations, trust, and global confidence. Our consistent prowess not only defines us in the national and international arenas but has also bestowed upon us the distinguished title of outstanding business partners.

Our Vision

Continuing to evolve as industry trailblazers, both nationally and globally, Gerry's Group is dedicated to innovating and delivering top-quality services while championing sustainability, and building on our esteemed legacy.

Our Mission

Meet customer needs with advanced and convenient solutions, leveraging technology to set unmatched standards in the market. Rooted in our history, we are committed to sustainability, pioneering positive change in the industry.

Our Legacy

(The Late)
Mr. Wali Muhammad Tayyab

In the vibrant tapestry of Gerry’s Group, the story unfolds in 1963 with the visionary dream of (The Late) Mr. Wali Muhammad Tayyab, whose passion for aviation ignited a journey that continues to soar today.
It all started in the iconic Gerry’s Metropole Office, a historical and landmark-worthy establishment which was and still is the cornerstone of Pakistan’s heritage lined with international airline offices, including PanAm, KLM and others. This office holds the essence of our beginnings, where dreams took flight. His aspiration to make a mark in Pakistan’s air travel landscape transformed into reality with the establishment of the IATA-approved Gerry’s Travel Company.

This marked the inception of a legacy that transcends time.
(The Late) Mr. Wali Muhammad Tayyab’s unwavering commitment to realizing his vision laid the foundations of Gerry’s. His keen eye for detail and profound understanding of customer needs became the cornerstone of a business that would stand the test of time. A family-owned enterprise, nurtured with meticulous care, has not only endured but thrived under the watchful eyes of its successors.
Just like the generations before them, the custodians of Gerry’s Group share a deep-rooted dedication to excellence. From the inception of Gerry’s Travel Company to the expansive services offered in collaboration with international partners, the commitment to quality and customer satisfaction remains unwavering. Today, Gerry’s Group stands not just as a business but as a testament to a legacy built on dreams, dedication, and an exceptional understanding of what it means to truly serve our customers, with everything we do.

Board Of Directors

Afzal Wali Muhammad

Group Chairman

Amin Wali Muhammad

Vice Chairman

Akram Wali Muhammad

Group Managing Director

Anis Wali Muhammad

Group Director Finance

Arshad Wali Muhammad

Group Director

Group Profile



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